
The deliverables of the ITG4TU project are presented below, organized by WP:

WP1: Preparation

D.1.1. Event: Internal team formation

D.1.2. Event & Report: Kick-Off Meeting

D.1.3. Event: Initial training Researchers

D.1.4. Event: Initial training Managers

D.1.5. Report: Project Infrastructure creation and communication

D.1.6. Event & Report: Study and document practices outside consortium

WP2: Development

D.2.1. Event: Best practices visits at programme countries universities

D.2.2. Report: Report on Best practices

D.2.3. Report: Report on Best practices Validation

D.2.4. Event & Report: Initial assessment visit to Tunisian universities

D.2.5. Report: Governance framework development

D.2.6. Report: Governance framework assessment

D.2.7. Teaching, Learning and Training material: Training materials development

D.2.8. Report: Training materials validation

WP3: Quality Plan

D.3.1. Report: Quality Management Plan

D.3.2. Report: Quality Review Outputs

WP4: Dissemination & Exploitation

D.4.1. Report: Dissemination & Exploitation Plan

D.4.2. Event: Trainees dissemination

D.4.3. Event: Pilot Courses

D.4.4. Report: Report on Courses

D.4.5. Report: Governance Framework Deployment

D.4.6. Report: Governance Framework Monitoring

D.4.7. Event: Local, Regional, National and International Dissemination

D.4.8. Event & Report: Research Visits

D.4.9. Report: Sustainability Plan

WP5: Management

D.5.1. Report: Project Management Plan

D.5.2. Report: Project monitoring and control

D.5.3. Report: Online control meetings

D.5.4. Report: Face to face control meetings

D.5.5. Report: Agency Reports

D.5.6. Report: Internal documentation


ITG4TU - A project of the Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education

Erasmus +


Call: EAC/A04/2014



This project (Project number: 561614-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of its author(s), and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.