UIBUniversity of Balearic Islands, Mallorca, Spain
UIB leads the Steering Committee as Project Manager and Project Coordinator. UIB appoints a dedicated project manager, who coordinates the aforementioned activities, communicates with project partners and the coordinator and makes sure that the project objectives are met within time and budget.
As Project Manager assumes the role of Supervisor of training materials, and also is the Governance framework assessment leader, as well as, leads WP5 Management of the project.
UALUniversity of Almería, Andalucía, Spain
UAL as a partner has experience in IT Governance frameworks design, deployment and assessment and with a wide experience in deployment of such frameworks in HEIs settings. Furthermore, UAL has experience in the development of training materials for IT Governance within universities.
UAL will lead Preparation WP and contribute in the development, assessment and deployment of the framework along with the other activities to support this development.
SHRSRH Hochschule Berlin, Germany
SRH as a partner has experience in IT Governance frameworks design, deployment and assessment. Furthermore, SRH has experience in the development of training materials for IT Governance within its wide international partner network which currently encompasses more than 50 universities worldwide, as well as proven competence in dissemination of projects, acquisition and successful completion of EU projects.
Within this project will assume the role of Supervisor-Developer of training materials, and will also be the Governance framework monitoring efforts leader and contribute to the overall development of tasks.
OUCØstfold University College, Halden, Norway
OUC presents specific curriculum for IT Governance Frameworks. More precisely, the course “Advanced topics in Information Systems” includes a specific lesson on IT Governance Frameworks. OUC will participate and supervise the development of the new materials, perform “train of the trainers” courses and host visits for Tunisian teaching staff, contribute to the dissemination of the initiative and taking into account, Prof. Colomo-Palacios experience in Erasmus+ programmes, will lead Quality Management package.
UGBUniversity of Gabes, Gabes, Tunisia
The UGB will integrate the good practices and the knowledge of IT governance in its formations. First, staff member will acquire this new discipline by participating in the courses and workshops scheduled in this project. Then, this knowledge will be transferred to society via new courses for the students or oriented formation for the industry. This project is also a good opportunity to enhance the relationship with the industry sector, locally and nationally. In fact, companies may share their experiences and problems in IT governance. This will help the university adapt its formations to be adequate with the industry needs. The university will participate in elaboration of the deliverables of this project namely white papers, good practice guides and scientific publications. The university of Gabes will also coordinate the “Development” work package.
UMAUniversity of Manouba, Manouba, Tunisia
The TIC governance studies will be included to the official program of engineering and master degree of both ISAMM and ENSI institutes affiliated to University of Manouba. It is possible to propose some Master and thesis topics related to the project context.
UTMUniversity of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia
The role of the University of Tunis El Manar is to develop competence in IT Governance for Universities and Edit best practices reports on the topic. It will also perform best practice visits and write a report on these best practices. UTM will have to develop and deploy an IT Governance framework for the university and materials for further education on the topic in two languages (English & French). Besides, it will receive train of the trainers training and will perform broad dissemination. It will also conduct pilot trainings on the topic. Finally it will monitor IT Governance Framework and will develop IT Governance as a research area in the institution.
USSUniversity of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
The USS will coordinate the “Dissemination” WP. To have effective use of ICT, the University of Sfax will disseminate the good practices for IT governance. The staff member will acquire this knowledge by participating in the courses and workshops scheduled in this project. Then, this knowledge will be disseminated to students, administrative staff and researchers via new courses and seminars that can include industrial actors. Through a participative process, all actors from the society can be involved to share knowledge, experiences and problems within the framework of this project. This can make the university more reactive to the needs of the society. The university of Sfax will participate in elaboration of the deliverables of this project namely white will contribute to disseminate widely the results of this project and will participate actively in the different tasks.
ITG4TU - A project of the Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education
![]() | 561614-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Call: EAC/A04/2014 |
This project (Project number: 561614-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of its author(s), and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.