Expected impact of the project

The main target that this project is addressed is the IT staff, managerial staff and governance boards at Tunisian universities. In order to improve the IT governance of HEI, all the direct stakeholders should know the existing standards, methods, techniques and tools to implement IT governance frameworks through European specialists who intend to develop their competence. Another primary target are the professors on related issues (Information Systems, Enterprise Management, Business Administration, etc.) in order to start up a new discipline in their subjects for future training and research for master students and young researchers.

Secondary target group/beneficiaries: industry stakeholders who are faced with the dilemma of maximizing IT resources usage based on efficiency solutions,  increasing productivity based on IT governance good practices, organizations which lack research expertise that are based in their communities. Another secondary target are graduate students looking for expertise in a new area.

The first phase of the project will be the development of several training seminars for HEI staff and professors. Additionally, the project will create a communication web portal that will enable all vested interest groups to be reached. This web platform will also be used for project outcomes dissemination. From this portal, the target groups could interchange their ideas and be grouped around specific themes of consideration. The portal should provide:

- Assess proposed postgraduate modules concept, delivery and assignment

- Make recommendation for fine tuning of courses

- Participate on dissemination workshops

- Create and maintain course materials

- Create and supervise portal facility for task allocation and provision or research support based to the industry and stakeholders enquiries

How the target groups will be reached

At the end of the project the consortium will continue to improve and maintain the platform to cascade the results across as a provider of training and research backed problem solving on IT resources efficiency and IT governance support issues. The main target group will continue improving the IT governance framework in their respective HEIs and implementing courses and seminars for newcomers. Additionally the secondary target groups will be made out of professionals and relevant industry segments from across Tunisia who will like to enhance their knowledge on the management IT resource efficiency or who would like to further their qualifications.

- A postgraduate continue education module system programme on IT governance on a virtual platform form of delivery will be implemented.

- The platform for graduate and postgraduate students entrepreneurship industry skills development and business design will be established.

- The platform will further develop and disseminate the existing good practice and will seek the enlargement of the network so that they include all vested parties in other partners and countries.

The objective on this level is to disseminate and exploit the project results within the regional contexts. It is of key importance for the project results that all regional stakeholders are involved in project findings. This also includes actors, who are not project partners. It is very important to realize that the project results target two different secondary target groups, namely regional companies and the regional higher education community.

The regional authorities will also be involved in the project through close dialogue thorough workshops at regional level. This participation will facilitate the integration of project results into national and regional policy about governance of public institutions after the duration of the project.

The project web site will be linked to existing regional web sites to provide easy access to the information about project progress and activities carried out in the project.

The consortium will provide targeted dissemination to the relevant national actors. The project results will be relevant to a broad group of actors for which reason the national entities, as for instance the Ministries of Education are important to include in the valorization activities.

At EU level, the consortium will organize workshops at EU partners campus in order to disseminate the best practice obtained during the project and also to share and to be informed of results and experiences gained from other community programmes for identification of new users and a user guide will be developed.

ITG4TU - A project of the Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education

Erasmus +


Call: EAC/A04/2014



This project (Project number: 561614-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of its author(s), and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.