
Project activities

The proposed project activities can be divided into two parts:

  • The first part consists of the formation of the stakeholders of the HEI, i.e. training on IT Governance. This part consists of the following activities: in situ training for trainers, training for local entrepreneurs and training future researchers and professionals.
  • The second part is the definition of a framework for IT governance in the HEI and its future implementation for Tunisian partners.

Working methodology

Project management will follow the PRINCE2 methodology, European partners have got several years of project management experiences.

A web collaboration platform set up to assure transparency and availability of project documentation, deliverables and finance will be used. The expertise and experience to develop the educational programs will also available.

Therefore, this project combine the continue education program and the good practices development. For the first part of the project (first year), in terms of education and training, the activities proposed by this project is:

(1) open course (deliverable in a modular way) and complementary to similar programs in EU that fit the European Qualification Framework;

(2) fit Bologna principles, with a special emphasis made on the “competence approach” to allow for students’, staff and stakeholders exchange;

(3) intended for treating issues of social importance in the area of business based on the principles of preventive actions and sustainable IT development;

(4) imply English as the working language in order to enhance mobility and feasibility of its incorporation into the European Higher Education Area;

(5) supports industry through research based solutions and though provision of postgraduate students through a problem solving placement.

Therefore, the training Curriculum contents development is based on a logical chronology as follows:

  1. Training list of competences
  2. Pedagogical model of delivery
  3. Course development
  4. Develop a web portal Platform of IT Governance resources for sustainable growth of the HEI partners
  5. Course assessment against European Standards and Industry needs
  6. Course testing, updating, review
  7. Quality Assessment and evaluation.

The IT governance course will be composed by:

  • Initial modules: to be capable of systematic and strategies thinking and possessing profound competences - knowledge, skills and attitudes - required to meet challenges in governing IT assets and efficiency issues related to the particularities of the HEI institutions.
  • Advanced modules: to acquire competences to achieve a position of expert or manager in IT governance for organizations, enterprises and assessment projects. The web platform that supports the training material will collect case studies resources as a support for learning programme. The web portal will also offer support for entrepreneurship within industry for postgraduate students. The intention for the platform functions is to support the activity beyond project life and to disseminate results further afield.

Work packages and their ownership have already been defined. A Project Management plan with a more detailed Gantt chart and a Quality Management plan are two of the first deliverables. Monthly meetings by teleconference and videoconference and visits will be scheduled to follow up on activities and progress. Constant e-mail communication is already well established.

Achieving objectives, major milestones, measurable indicators

This consortium come with the following proposed learning outcomes and framework building outcomes:

-Learning outcomes: to achieve competences and skills to play a leading role in the IT governance discipline and IT assets, and to improve IT efficiency use in respect with strategy of HEI and the communities that is serves. The academic portfolio will be focused to promote IT governance principles in all stakeholders. Additionally the academic resources may be used for training future enterprise leaders and postgraduate students in the role of governing IT assets.

  • Objective: Perform specialized training modules for building IT governance models in Tunisian universities.
    • Major milestone: Course development for HEI
    • Measurable indicators: People participating in training sessions, other institutions different from partners participating, projects developed by the graduate students, overall positive feedback from trainees.
  • Perform training to employers in IT sector, mainly mid-size and large companies both public and private.
    • Major milestone: Course development for enterprises
    • Measurable indicators: People participating in training sessions, cluster and associations participating, Consultancy opportunities portfolio, overall positive feedback from trainees.

-IT Governance framework building outcomes: to implement the competences and skills of the previous course development. The implementation framework will initiate the development of the instruments and tools necessary to govern the IT assets in the HEI. These outcomes cover the activities for staff development and the manager leadership in the IT governance framework construction.

  • Build university governance frameworks, adaptable to each institution, for the participants of the project
    • Major milestone: IT Governance framework building
    • Measurable indicators: People participating in the project, managerial and IT staff integration indicators, overall positive feedback from internal users.
  • Build the skills and tools to ensure the sustainability of government IT project beyond
    • Major milestone: web platform construction
    • Measurable indicators: Overall positive feedback from web users
  • Set the value chain of IT in HEI and their Key Performance Indicators (KPI).
    • Major milestone: Balanced Scorecard construction for IT assets in HEI
    • Measurable indicators: Managers positive integration

ITG4TU - A project of the Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education

Erasmus +


Call: EAC/A04/2014



This project (Project number: 561614-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of its author(s), and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.